Everything Under One Roof…
We provide Conveyorised Spray PT with Powder Coating, Liquid Painting ,Chromating & Shot Blasting.
1.Self Owned Plant with 22000 Sq.ft Land with Separate MSEB 100 HP Connected Load.
2.Fully Automised Conveyorised Powder Coating Line with Spray PT and controlled by Single Control Panel PLC and Scada system with interlocks and Poka-yoke in temp, speed and Data Recorder of Temp and Speed.
3.Inhouse RO and DM Plant : Capacity -1500 Ltr/ Hr , pH – 6.0 to 7.5, conductivity – below 5 µS/cm.
4.ETP Plant : capacity-y1500 Ltr, Zero Discharge Base. ETP Water is Re-used for Gardening and Plantation.
5.Backup Diesel Generator – 125 KVA to Run the plant 24X7 without Power Failures.
6.1000 Sq.ft Area with Dock leveler & Forklift arrangement for Unloading 3 Vehicles at a time.
7.5000 Sq.ft of RCC Shed for Storage of Raw and Finished Goods
8.Parking -14000 Sq.ft.
9.Screw Compressor with 30 Hp capacity, 2 refrigerated Dryer with Pre filter,
10.carbon filter and fine filter with FR Value to supply Pure Air to Powder coating Booth
- Iron Phosphating 4 Stage PT with Primer + Topcoat Booth
- Conveyorised oven : Length – 120 mtr
- Speed – 0.5 mtr/min to 0.8 meter (Variable) ,
- Average Capacity – 45 Hangers/Hr,
- Point load – 40 KG
- Cutout Dimensions – 1200mm x500mmx1000mm